Good health is no accident. Health does not just happen, or happen in a vacuum. Health is a determined path, not an incidental occurrence. Health happens through you, not to you. The basic determinate of health is primarily lifestyle. The foundation that supports lifestyle and the human Health Span (healthful longevity) are The Five Pillars of Health™ which are:
1. Proper Nutrition (The Basis) = The MediterrAsian Diet
2. Regular Exercise (The Catalyst) = Walk 30/100 Daily or Runwalking + Weight Training
3. Adequate Sleep (The Replenishment) = 5 Full Sleep Cycles
4. Stress Management (The Support) = Stress & Tension Alleviating Response (STAR)
5. Vital Nutrients (The Key) = Potentiated Magnesium + Other Essential Nutrients
The basis of heart health is the same as the basis of health for the entire body. By investing a small amount of time and effort in learning The Five Pillars of Health the return will be the greatest return of all:
• The natural regain of Youthful Vitality & Energy;
• Prevent Premature Aging & Slowdown the Aging Process;
• Improve Muscle Strength & Function for ease of everyday tasks and physical activities;
• Strengthen the Immune System to help avoid common health problems; and
• Improve Heart Health & Brain Function.
Exactly how to achieve each of these things will follow, as we look more closely at each of
The Five Pillars of Health.
Proper Nutrition
Proper Nutrition is The Basis of Health
And the basis of Proper Nutrition is The MediterrAsian Diet.
The MediterrAsian Diet is a natural blend of the well-known Mediterranean Diet that originated in southern Europe and the Seafood-based Diet that is followed in parts of Asia.
The MediterrAsian Diet consists primarily of foods that originate from the land and sea, that is,
plant-based foods and seafood: A variety of fresh vegetables and fruits (deeply colored are best), legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts, peas and soybeans), seafood (fish and shellfish, and sea plants such as kelp), whole grains (such as barley, oats, rye and quinoa – which are believed to be better than wheat-based products), raw nuts and seeds, good fats (such as extra virgin olive oil and a little coconut oil), tea (especially green tea), and plenty of fresh, natural water (not modified fad water or distilled water). And a select few animal-based products in limited quantities, such as fresh eggs (from free-range chickens), a little cultured nonfat dairy (such as Greek yogurt), a little soft cheeese, and occasional fresh meat.
Foods to avoid: Sugar and sugar-laden foods (especially those that contain high-fructose corn syrup, aka corn sugar), refined carbs (the bad carbs, such as refined grain products), sodas (including diet sodas), foods containing trans fats or hydrogenated oils, highly processed foods,
man-made foods, fried foods, junk foods, most fast foods, most snack foods, dairy products (except for a little real butter), sweets (except for a little dark chocolate), foods that contain artificial sweeteners, and regular excess alcohol consumption.
Nutrients – The Reason We Eat
Nutrients in food are the biological reason we eat.
The basic major nutrients from food are: Protein – Supports growth and repair of protein structures (such as muscle, the heart, organs and certain fluids), which occurs when sleeping; Carbohydrates (carbs) – Supports energy production; Fats – Supports hormone production, forms and protects cell membranes and nerve sheaths (coverings), allows fat-soluble vitamin uptake (vitamins A, D, E & K), and is the secondary energy source after the body-preferred carbs. A good general balance for most people is where protein makes up about 25-30% of the total calories consumed each day, fats (the “good fats”) about the same percentage as protein (25-30%), while carbs (the “good carbs”) make up about 40-50% of the total calories consumed each day, which, of course, can vary from person to person depending upon their individual activity level and health status. All foods (except for oils) contain protein, carbs and fats in varying amounts and proportions that range from trace amounts to significant amounts, depending on the kind of food.
Plant foods are foods that have originated from nutrient-rich soil, and should include a variety of: Fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, berries, whole grain products (barley, brown rice, buckwheat, flax, oats, pumpernickel, rye and quinoa), bran, wheat germ, legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts, peas and soybeans), raw nuts and seeds. Brightly colored and dark-colored vegetables and fruits are especially rich in antioxidants and other healthful phytonutrients (“phyto” means plant). Generally, the deeper or brighter the color of a plant food, the greater its phytonutrient content. As an example, deep red tomatoes have more nutrient value than their pale, less ripe, counterpart. Some plant foods that have been determined to be especially beneficial for health are: Pomegranates (for heart health and prostate health), blueberries (for eye health), broccoli (for GI tract health), apples (“an apple a day…”), and avocados (a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, the mineral magnesium, and fiber – the most fiber-rich fruit). Fruits have seeds, vegetables do not, thus avocados and tomatoes are actually fruits even though they are commonly thought of and used as vegetables. Whole grains, bran and flax are a good source of fiber, which is especially important for proper waste elimination and to prevent toxin buildup in the colon.
Plant foods tend to be carbohydrate predominate foods, with some containing small amounts of protein and fats, and usually contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Plant foods that are protein-rich include soybeans and especially quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah), which is technically a seed rather than a grain as is commonly thought and is particularly nutrient dense (it is cooked the same way rice is cooked). The plant foods that have been minimally processed, such as 100% whole grain products without sugar or other sweeteners added, that do not sharply raise blood glucose (blood sugar) and spike insulin levels, are considered the “good carbs.”
“Bad carbs” are those predominately refined carbohydrate products that do sharply raise blood glucose, spike insulin, cause insulin resistance, lead to blood sugar related health problems, and are what cause an increase in triglycerides (blood fats) and stored body fat – especially around the middle, with “belly fat” being the worst kind of body fat from a health standpoint – all of which are significant risk factors for cardiovascular health problems. Consumed refined carbs are handled by the body essentially the same as if they were sugar. Foods that raise blood glucose and elevate triglyceride levels are refined grain products, all forms of sugar, and alcohol. Blood sugar problems, which is caused by the habitual consumption of refined carbs and sugar-laden foods, is the fundamental inability of the body (on the cellular level) to properly process glucose and utilize insulin. (See the user-friendly “The Advanced Glycemic Index” in the Nutrient Resource Section for more information.)
The kind of foods that tend to predominate in the “bad carb” category are the “white foods,” which include white flour products, white sugar, white rice and white potatoes. A “white flour product” encompasses any food product that has been made from grains that are not exclusively 100% whole grain. The most commonly used “bad carb” in processed foods is the sweetening agent high fructose corn syrup (aka corn sugar), with its extensive use in processed foods suspected of being a strong contributory factor in insulin resistance and blood sugar health problems. There also appears to be a connection with the regular consumption of high fructose corn syrup (corn sugar) and Helicobacter pylori bacteria, the bacteria believed to be responsible for up to 10% of duodenal or gastric ulcers and up to 3% of the more serious gastrointestinal health problems. It is thought that half the U.S. population have H. pylori bacteria in their GI tract, which are believed to feed and flourish on high fructose corn syrup. (Reference: “Diagnosis and Management of H. pylori Infection” Laurie Barclay, MD, MedscapeCME Clinical Briefs, May 4, 2010)
Sodas are a double problem. They contain large amounts of sugar, thus putting them into the “bad carb” category. They also contain phosphoric acid (even the so-called diet sodas) that leaches calcium from bones, making the bones weaker, and contributes to unbalanced calcium metabolism by dumping the calcium leached from the bones into the bloodstream. Plus, it is especially easy to consume large amounts of sodas because they are in liquid form, and to consume them often because of their addictive nature (encouraged by the omnipresent promotional ads that promote sodas as a fun and youthful drink). In addition, the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas ironically have sort of a rebound effect that actually encourages weight gain, the result of the body craving calories to fill the void created by the consumption of the diet sodas. The artificial sweeteners provide a sweet taste but do nothing to provide satiety (that satisfied feeling). The result is the body craves carbs (the refined carbs that provide the quickest influx of sugar) to fill the void – with the net result being weight gain. The proof: Just take a look at those who habitually drink “diet” sodas. Given the volume of diet sodas consumed in the U.S. each year we should be a nation of very trim people, but we’re not. Bottom line: Artificial sweeteners actually cause weight gain, and it is the worst and most unhealthy kind of weight gain – around the middle. Also, artificial sweeteners (the stuff in the pink, blue, or yellow packets), even though they do not raise blood glucose levels, are not healthy alternatives to sugar because they are unnatural chemicals (which some researchers believe to be toxic) the body is unable to properly metabolize (in addition to them killing off the beneficial microflora in the intestinal tract) – the accumulation of which have been suspect in several health conditions ranging from gastric upset to the most serious of GI tract health problems. Whether these artificial sweeteners actually contribute to health problems or not, one thing is for sure: These man-made chemical additives do nothing to benefit health.
Fish and seafood are especially important for health because of providing tissue-building and repair protein, a wide variety of minerals, and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids – the “good fats.” Fish that provides the most omega-3 fatty acids (and the least mercury contamination) are wild-caught salmon and sardines, with fish roe (fish eggs, aka caviar) being the richest known source of omega-3 fatty acids. Sea vegetables, such as kelp, have a wide array of minerals, with kelp being an especially rich source of chlorophyll, iodine, and heart-healthy magnesium.
Olive oil, canola oil, and coconut oil are also considered “good fats” when used in moderate amounts. However, excessively heating oils (and meat fats) changes their molecular structure and produces unhealthy substances, which changes an otherwise “good fat” into a “bad fat.” Olive oil has a lower temperature threshold than canola oil and coconut oil before damage to the oil occurs and is, therefore, the better choice for non-heated applications, while canola oil and coconut oil are the better choice for cooking. Coconut oil (which is one of the few plant-based saturated fats) has gained attention recently for supporting brain health and function, while olive oil remains the oil of choice for supporting cardiovascular health.
Green tea has gained favor in recent years for its healthful flavonal and antioxidant polyphenols. Black tea and other teas also have beneficial flavonals, as does coffee, but the caffeine content can be a problem when consumed in excess. Green tea has less caffeine than black tea, with both having less than coffee. Most herb teas have no caffeine. Caffeine comparison per 8 oz cup (approximate): Coffee = 145 milliliters (ml), Black Tea = 50 ml, Green Tea = 30 ml, Decaf Coffee & Tea = 5-10 ml (the chemicals used to make decaf beverages are generally thought to be unhealthy). It is now thought that adding lemon and honey to green tea increases its antioxidant activity by as much as 50%.
Water is the single most important nutrient we consume for health and body function. The body is made up of about 70% water, and virtually all biochemical processes occur in a water-based fluid environment. Water directly impacts blood viscosity (thickness) which affects blood pressure, kidney function and health, body temperature regulation, and facilitates the uptake of minerals and the water-soluble vitamins (the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C). The bloodstream is about 90% water, and is the transport medium for nutrients and oxygen delivery via the arteries to the cells so the cells can function (i.e., metabolism), as well as being the transport medium for the metabolism waste products from the cells via the veins.
Water balance, the balance between the amount of water needed in the body for proper function and the amount of water used and excreted, is critically important for proper body function, health, and life. The average adult body contains about 40-50 quarts of water. Water is lost from the body through perspiration, respiration and urination, at the rate of about two quarts a day (64 ounces), with hot weather and heavy exercise causing an even greater loss.
Because water helps the liver metabolize stored body fat into energy, and facilitates flushing metabolic waste (via the bloodstream and kidneys), drinking plenty of water (about 8 glasses a day) actually facilitates weight loss. (Keep in mind that food also has varying amounts of water, which contributes to the body’s need for water.) The use of diuretics for weight loss is counterproductive and a dangerous practice that can lead to dehydration and kidney damage, in addition to depleting the body of the especially important electrolyte minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride and phosphate) that are critically important for nerve and muscle function (the heart is also a muscle) and proper regulation of the acid-base balance (the pH balance). Electrolyte mineral balance is important because of how they are used: Inside the cells (intracellular), in the fluid that surrounds the cells (extracellular), and in the bloodstream to help regulate the pH balance. The proper pH balance of the blood has a very narrow range (7.35-7.45) that is critically important to maintain for the body to function normally and for life to exist. If the pH is below 6.8 (acidic) or above 7.8 (alkaline), then the body’s cells cannot function and hence life cannot exist. The body therefore continually strives to maintain a balanced pH (potential of hydrogen). This is so important that the body will rob other less critical stores of whatever is needed to maintain the closely regulated pH balance. Thus, consuming a diet that consists primarily of acid-forming processed and junk foods causes a shift in the pH balance of the blood that activates a calcium drain from bones to buffer the increased acid (calcium is highly alkaline), which is another way that consuming an improper diet contributes to weak bones and an unbalanced calcium metabolism. Simply put, proper water consumption is important for health in a variety of ways, as well as facilitating healthy weight loss.
Preventing dehydration is a critically important factor in health and life. Dehydration causes the blood to get thicker making it more susceptible to blood clot formation, especially deep venous thrombus (blood clot formation in the veins of the legs prompted by long bouts of sitting or physical inactivity), and contributes to urinary tract problems, digestive disorders, dry mouth, and exacerbates cognitive dysfunction (especially in older people) and symptoms associated with respiratory problems. When sensed by the brain, even mild dehydration can cause havoc by triggering the release of an anti-diuretic hormone (vasopressin) which signals the kidneys to conserve water and causes the arteries to constrict – thus elevating blood pressure, which can significantly contribute to arterial damage. Chronic dehydration can cause kidney failure, which can be life-threatening. As little as a 5% water loss causes a 20-30% decrease in physical performance, a 10% loss causes functional breakdown and illness, and a 20% loss can cause mental disorientation and death. Next to oxygen, water is the single most important thing we take into our body for life to exist and thrive.
The amount of water consumption generally regarded as the amount needed by the body for normal healthy function is about 64 ounces per day (8-8 oz. glasses a day) for adults who are in good health under normal conditions, with hot weather and heavy exercise increasing the need. Those with any serious health condition, especially heart failure or kidney failure, should consult with their doctor before increasing their water intake. Adequate water intake is an important part of proper nutrition. However, there is no hard-and-fast rule as to how much water to consume simply because food also has water in it (especially fruits and veggies), and because different health conditions, different ambient environmental conditions, and the level of physical activity, can cause a need for an increase or decrease in the amount of water the body requires.
Spring water and filtered tap water contain naturally present heart-healthy minerals, distilled water does not. Modified fad water is just that, a fad, and may pose their own health problems.
The Bottom Line:
The equation is real simple: Every bite of food and every sip of a drink is either part of proper nutrition which supports health, or is improper nutrition that chips away at health. The kinds of foods that make-up proper nutrition are foods that originate from the land and sea: plant-based foods and sea-based foods. This kind of a healthy diet is called The MediterrAsian Diet.
If the food grows from the ground, is fresh and minimally processed, and does not spike insulin levels, or comes from the ocean or streams, then it is part of what constitutes proper nutrition, and is what supports health and longevity – what we call the human Health Span.
If the food is highly processed food, man-made food, junk food, most snack foods, sweets, highly refined food, most fast food, contains trans fats, raises blood glucose and triglycerides, spikes insulin levels, or a diet that is predominantly refined carbs, sodas, animal foods (meat and dairy), with regular alcohol consumption, then it is part of what constitutes improper nutrition, which is at the heart of most degenerative health problems, premature aging, and an abbreviated life span.
Thus the importance of Proper Nutrition – it truly is the Basis of Health. (See “The Complete Nutrient Directory” in the Nutrient Resource Section for more information.)
The MediterrAsian Diet is the most heart-healthy way of eating there is. It is the foundation that will support and help maintain the balance, stability, structural integrity and normal healthy function of the cardiovascular system, cellular function, energy production, muscle function, nerve function, and respiratory function – and strongly supports Potentiated Magnesium to reach its full potential for health, especially optimum heart health.
Proper Nutrition is The Number One Basis of Health!
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Regular Exercise
Regular Exercise is The Catalyst That Sparks Health
*** Always check with your doctor before engaging in any unaccustomed physical activity, start off slow and build up gradually over time, and always exercise within your own personal capabilities and limits. ***
Interval Training (that is, varying the sets and reps, intensity, and the different kinds of exercises), along with a balance between the different types of the basic kinds of exercise, is the catalyst that helps ensure the nutrients that are consumed are used to their best advantage, while providing improved muscle tone, strength, function, and shape to the body – inside and out – for optimum health, and includes:
Weight Bearing Exercises
Exercises that bear the weight of the body as the body is moved with the legs. Good weight bearing exercises are: Walking, stair climbing, gentle jogging, and Runwalking (alternating between walking and gentle jogging several times during the same session). Walking is perhaps the best because it is easy to do, can be done almost anywhere, requires no special equipment (other than comfortable shoes), requires no special training, and provides substantial health benefits with a minimum of wear and tear on the body.
Optimum walking is 30/100 daily; that is, Walk 30 minutes each day at a pace of 100 steps per minute, with a slower walking warm-up pace before and cool-down pace after of about 5 minutes each. There is no hard-and-fast rule for walking. Any amount of walking, done daily, is good. Varying your pace and adding a slight incline periodically can enhance benefits.
It is important to wear good quality, comfortable, and well-padded shoes. Many brands, such as New Balance and Reebok, et al., offer especially good shoes. It is recommended that you stay away from fad shoes, like those with the extremely rounded soles, which are not very stable and as a result may increase the risk of falling.
Weight Bearing Exercises are good for cardiovascular health, circulation, respiratory function, bone strength, and building endurance.
Weight Training Exercises
Exercises that use free weights (barbells and dumbbells) or weight machines. Weight Training Exercises (also called Progressive Resistance Weight Training) is where the weight (the resistance) is lifted, pushed or pulled against the force of gravity, are done in a series (called “sets”) of repetitions (called “reps”), in controlled exact movements (called “strict form”), that exercise (“hit”) a particular muscle (such as the arm’s bicep muscle with a “curl” exercise), or that exercise a muscle group (such as the legs and buttock muscles with a “squat” exercise), for the purpose of building muscle strength, shape and tone, bone strength, and increasing muscularity (muscle size) and vascularity (blood vessel size and blood flow). The proper execution of Weight Training Exercises is available from a variety of books on the subject at most public libraries, in bookstores, and online.
The most common problem for those inexperienced with weight training is “Overtraining” which is working out too frequently, or using weights that are too heavy too soon, and not allowing enough time between sessions for the muscles to recover and grow (which actually occurs during sleep). Overtraining will stall gains, result in excessively sore muscles, and may cause injuries.
For maximum gains, and to avoid overtraining and injuries: Start off with very light weights and gradually increase the amount of weight used over a period of time that spans several workout sessions, and workout 2-3 times a week, with 2-3 days in between workout sessions, and get a full night’s sleep (for muscle repair and growth to occur). A whey protein supplement may be beneficial to facilitate muscle repair and growth.
Weight Training Exercises are good for building muscle mass and strength, bone strength, and increasing vascularity and blood flow.
Air Training Exercises
These exercises are good warm-up exercises, as well as being good movement practice for those engaged in Weight Training Exercises. They consist of doing one set of 20 or 30 reps of the same weight training movement, but are done without any added weight. Air Training Exercises improve blood flow, vascularity, muscle coordination and tone, and the movements are done quickly (but in a controlled fashion) to achieve a “pump” (temporarily engorge the muscles with blood).
Body Weight Exercises
Also known as calisthenics, Body Weight Exercises use your body weight as the resistance against the force of gravity as your muscles alternate between contraction and relaxation. Examples are push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups (palms out), chin-ups (palms in), crunches, dips, jumping jacks (side-straddle hops), knee bends and toe standings.
Body Weight Exercises strengthen the core (torso) and extremities, and increases endurance and muscle strength.
Movement Exercises & Dynamic Stretching
Movement Exercises are gently moving the body every way that it moves (with no added weights) in combination with dynamic stretching. Dynamic Stretching is movement stretching (that is, stretching while gently moving).
Movement Exercises are done by moving the body parts indicated, the way that each body part moves, with what each movement is called being descriptive of how to do it. They consist of: (1) Toe Wiggles; (2) Ankle Rotations; (3) Knee Kicks; (4) Bicycling; (5) Hamstring Curls; (6) Half Squats; (7) Toe Stands; (8) Finger Fanning; (9) Fist Squeeze; (10) Swinging Hand Shakes; (11) Wrist Bends; (12) Wrist Rotations; (13) Arm Rotations; (14) Arm Twists; (15) Shoulder Rotations; (16) Neck Rotations; (17) Full Body Stretch; (18) Side Stretch; (19) Hamstring & Shin Stretch; (20) Inner Thigh Stretch; (21) Calf Stretch; (22) Back Stretch; and (23) Sissy Squat.
Movement Exercises & Dynamic Stretches work the entire body, facilitate body movement and muscle function, and should be done every day after engaging in other types of exercise.
Body Weight Exercises
Also known as calisthenics, Body Weight Exercises use your body weight as the resistance against the force of gravity as your muscles alternate between contraction and relaxation. Examples are push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups (palms out), chin-ups (palms in), crunches, dips, jumping jacks (side-straddle hops), knee bends and toe standings.
Body Weight Exercises strengthen the core (torso) and extremities, and increases endurance and muscle strength.
Movement Exercises & Dynamic Stretching
Movement Exercises are gently moving the body every way that it moves (with no added weights) in combination with dynamic stretching. Dynamic Stretching is movement stretching (that is, stretching while gently moving).
Movement Exercises are done by moving the body parts indicated, the way that each body part moves, with what each movement is called being descriptive of how to do it. They consist of: (1) Toe Wiggles; (2) Ankle Rotations; (3) Knee Kicks; (4) Bicycling; (5) Hamstring Curls; (6) Half Squats; (7) Toe Stands; (8) Finger Fanning; (9) Fist Squeeze; (10) Swinging Hand Shakes; (11) Wrist Bends; (12) Wrist Rotations; (13) Arm Rotations; (14) Arm Twists; (15) Shoulder Rotations; (16) Neck Rotations; (17) Full Body Stretch; (18) Side Stretch; (19) Hamstring & Shin Stretch; (20) Inner Thigh Stretch; (21) Calf Stretch; (22) Back Stretch; and (23) Sissy Squat.
Movement Exercises & Dynamic Stretches work the entire body, facilitate body movement and muscle function, and should be done every day after engaging in other types of exercise.
Of all the different forms of exercise, Walking and Movement Exercises are perhaps the most important to do every day.
Go To The MAX for support of exercised muscle function and strength.
In independent university studies, the taking of the right kind of magnesium that was balanced with the right amount of zinc (such as in Go To The MAX) resulted in measured increases in exercised muscle strength from 11% up to 56%. (See “Go To The MAX” for references and more details.)
Workout recovery is enhanced by muscle massage, as a result of dampening the activity of a protein called NF-kB (which causes an exercise-induced inflammation response), and appears to stimulate the production of another protein called PGC-1alpha (which spurs the production of new cellular mitochondria) for more muscle energy production and greater exercise adaptation. (Reference: “Massage study goes deep” Eryn Brown, Los Angeles Times, Feb. 4, 2012; Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada; Simon Melov, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA)
Because Go To The MAX supports the immune system it also helps speed workout recovery.
Go To The MAX – Potentiated Magnesium plus Zinc (MAX) supports exercised muscle strength and endurance in a completely natural and healthy way (as opposed to being a heart-damaging anabolic steroid). Potentiated Magnesium (pMg) and MAX improve the strength and health of the most important and hardest working muscle in the human body – the heart. (See “Muscle Strength & Sport Performance Support” in “Accelerating The Benefits” section, and “Get The Most From Your Workout With MAX” for more specific exercise information.)
Remember, always check with your doctor before engaging in any unaccustomed physical activity. After your doctor’s approval, all exercises should be done within your own personal capability and capacity, after learning the proper way to do the individual exercises to avoid injury. Always get enough sleep (for muscle repair and growth), allow enough time between exercise sessions (a day or two) to allow for proper muscle recuperation, and avoid “overtraining” (doing too much, too soon) which will greatly hamper progress.
Regular Exercise is the Catalyst of Vigorous Health and Youthful Vitality!
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Of all the different forms of exercise, Walking and Movement Exercises are perhaps the most important to do every day.
Go To The MAX for support of exercised muscle function and strength.
In independent university studies, the taking of the right kind of magnesium that was balanced with the right amount of zinc (such as in Go To The MAX) resulted in measured increases in exercised muscle strength from 11% up to 56%. (See “Go To The MAX” for references and more details.)
Workout recovery is enhanced by muscle massage, as a result of dampening the activity of a protein called NF-kB (which causes an exercise-induced inflammation response), and appears to stimulate the production of another protein called PGC-1alpha (which spurs the production of new cellular mitochondria) for more muscle energy production and greater exercise adaptation. (Reference: “Massage study goes deep” Eryn Brown, Los Angeles Times, Feb. 4, 2012; Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada; Simon Melov, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA)
Because Go To The MAX supports the immune system it also helps speed workout recovery.
Go To The MAX – Potentiated Magnesium plus Zinc (MAX) supports exercised muscle strength and endurance in a completely natural and healthy way (as opposed to being a heart-damaging anabolic steroid). Potentiated Magnesium (pMg) and MAX improve the strength and health of the most important and hardest working muscle in the human body – the heart. (See “Muscle Strength & Sport Performance Support” in “Accelerating The Benefits” section, and “Get The Most From Your Workout With MAX” for more specific exercise information.)
Remember, always check with your doctor before engaging in any unaccustomed physical activity. After your doctor’s approval, all exercises should be done within your own personal capability and capacity, after learning the proper way to do the individual exercises to avoid injury. Always get enough sleep (for muscle repair and growth), allow enough time between exercise sessions (a day or two) to allow for proper muscle recuperation, and avoid “overtraining” (doing too much, too soon) which will greatly hamper progress.
Regular Exercise is the Catalyst of Vigorous Health and Youthful Vitality!
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Adequate Sleep
Adequate Sleep is Required for Mental Rest and Physical Replenishment
Sleep naturally occurs in about 90 minute cycles, with these cycles getting shorter as we age. Sleep is basically made up of two different kinds of sleep: Restorative Deep Sleep, which is when the brain rests and when exercised muscle repair and growth takes place, and a lighter sleep, called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, which is when dreaming occurs. If you awake while dreaming, or at the end of a dream, then you know you are at the end of a sleep cycle, and you will awake the most refreshed. If you awake during deep sleep, then you will feel less refreshed and groggy – and feeling like you didn’t get enough sleep. Deep sleep interruption is contrary to attaining optimum good health. The mind and body need a certain amount of deep sleep, while the soul needs REM sleep.
Lack of sleep is cumulative and disrupts normal body function, mentally as well as physically, and is responsible for “brain fog” which is a strong contributory factor in poor job performance and accidents (especially auto accidents). Lack of sleep also stimulates hunger – a key factor in weight gain. Lack of sleep disrupts the normal balance between the body-produced hormones leptin ( an appetite suppressant hormone) and ghrelin (an appetite stimulant hormone). The balance between these two hormones are related to the body’s ability to maintain normal body weight, as well as sleep patterns, and forms the link between the body’s internal urges to sleep and to eat. Lack of sleep disrupts the normal balance between leptin and ghrelin, and in so doing stimulates weight gain. Further compounding the problem is that those who have become obese tend to become leptin resistant. Adequate sleep helps normalize the balance between these two hormones and thus helps the body attain and maintain normal body weight. It has also been recently found that dietary fat intake upsets the normal leptin/ghrelin balance by stimulating ghrelin production. (Reference: Cincinnati Academic Health Center, June 5, 2009 “Fatty Foods – Not Empty Stomach – Fire Up Hunger Hormones”)
The optimum amount of sleep varies with age (and other factors) but for most adults it should be about 5 full 90 minute cycles of deep sleep, with each deep sleep cycle followed by a 5-10 minute REM sleep cycle, for about 7.5 to 8.5 hours of sleep each night (REM cycles vary in length, and get longer toward the end of a night’s sleep).
The STAR method of relieving chronic stress and tension, if done at night when ready for bed, will help facilitate falling asleep and getting a restful night’s sleep. (See “Stress & Tension Alleviating Response” for details.)
Because of its muscle relaxing quality, pMg can help contribute to achieving Adequate Sleep each night. Potentiated Magnesium (pMg) profoundly and beneficially impacts each and every one of The Five Pillars of Health.
Adequate Sleep is Needed to Replenish the Mind, Body, and Soul!
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Adequate Sleep is Needed to Replenish the Mind, Body, and Soul!
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Stress Management
Stress Management
Support Health with Proper Stress Management
Stress Management affords support for optimum health, especially heart health. Chronic stress is a killer. How you think will determine your level of stress, which will determine your level of anxiety, which will trigger the chronic release of stress hormones, which cause a chronic stress response, which can lead to depression, which together will determine to a large extent your state of health. What you take in with your senses (mostly with your eyes and ears), and how you think about it, will determine your level of stress. Stress is a state of mind that manifests as a physical response. Chronic stress is decidedly unhealthy – especially affecting the cardiovascular system and heart health. Your head affects your heart. How a visit to the doctor’s office elevates blood pressure is a good example. Simply put, how you perceive things affects your health.
Chronic Stress & How to Relieve It
The key to stress reduction, simply put, is mind control, which is learning to control how we think about things, i.e., learning not to sweat the small stuff, and, in the final analysis, realizing that it is all small stuff. The other important aspect of stress reduction is learning to physically relax the body’s muscles, which is the exact opposite of muscle contraction and muscle tension. Because how we perceive things is the origin of stress, and muscle tension is the physical manifestation of stress, an easy and especially effective method of instantly releasing pent-up stress and muscle tension has been developed – and it is called the Stress & Tension Alleviating Response (STAR).
The STAR 60-second stress-buster technique:
1. Clear The Mind. In a quiet area, imagine standing on the highest peak of a mountain, on a very dark night, with no extraneous distracting lights nearby. Look up and leisurely gaze at the vast night sky, with only the faint glimmer of the millions of distant stars being visible. Hold this image – and only this image – for a few seconds.
2. Stretch & Breathe. Slowly and gently stretch your arms straight out from your sides at shoulder height and slightly back, until you feel a gentle stretch of your chest muscles, and inhale a deep breath through your mouth as you are doing this. Then slowly raise your arms over your head, and inhale a deep breath again. When inhaling, do it in a relaxed, natural way without straining. When over your head, gently stretch both arms simultaneously and try to grasp a handful of the distant stars you are visualizing. At the top of the arm stretch, clench both fists as if you have caught some stars in each hand.
3. Return & Relax. Slowly and gently return your outstretched arms to your sides, exhaling through your mouth as you lower them. As you bring your arms down, relax your shoulders, arms and hands, allowing them to go completely limp, and purposefully relax your chest and stomach as you exhale.
4. Relax The Image. With your arms completely limp at your sides, visualize a big, bright, yellow-colored letter “R” blazing in the night sky – but only for a brief moment. Then replace the “R” with an “E,” then an “L,” then an “A,” and finally an “X.” As each letter appears, say it to yourself softly under your breath.
5. Slack Jaw. At the end of spelling out the word “RELAX,” with your arms still limp at your sides, consciously relax the muscles in your jaw, allowing the lower jaw to go completely limp (tense jaw muscles are the most common indication of stress, closely followed by tense upper back and neck muscles).
As with any new learning endeavor, regular practice of STAR will make it quick and easy to do. The repetition of regular practice will program your brain with a new conditioned response so that you eventually will be able to achieve instant stress relief merely by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and then implementing “Slack Jaw” as you exhale. If you practice “Slack Jaw” with your mouth closed (as you let your lower jaw go limp), it can be used anytime you feel your jaw getting tense and no one around you will know that you are employing a stress and tension relieving technique.
STAR meets all of the criteria for stress and tension reduction: It’s quick, it’s easy, and it is supremely effective; a simple technique that really works. The Key: Practice.
Because of its muscle relaxing quality, Potentiated Magnesium (pMg) can help contribute to achieving Stress Management.
Beat Stress & Tension with STAR!
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Vital Nutrients
The Key to Vibrant Good Health is an Adequate Supply of Vital Nutrients
Nutritional Supplements provide the extra vital nutrients needed by the human body for it to function at its peak and thrive. The nutritional supplements that support health, and especially provide an extra edge for optimum heart health and function (with suggested daily amounts for maximum synergistic benefit) include:
• Potentiated Magnesium (pMg) – 8 tablets/day (in divided doses) yielding 1,000 mg
elemental magnesium & 2,000 mg vital vitamin C (most powerful & effective forms)
• Vitamin E – 400-800 IU/day (mixed tocopherols & tocotrienols best)
• Vitamin D – 1,000-2,000 IU/day (vitamin D3 best form)
• Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules – 2-4 caps/day (essential EPA & DHA fatty acids)
• Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) – 100-200 mg/day (ubiquinol most active form)
• N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) – 600-1,200 mg/day (master antioxidant precursor)
• Nattokinase – 100 mg/day (blood thinning enzyme derived from natto)
• Go To The MAX (pMg + Zinc) – 4 tablets/day (in divided doses or at bedtime) yielding
500 mg magnesium, 1,000 mg vitamin C, & 40 mg zinc (muscle strength & immune function
Important: If pregnant or lactating, have a medical condition or disability, take prescription drugs, are under the care of a medical doctor, or have compromised health or function, you should only take dietary supplements with the knowledge and guidance of your doctor.
While the other nutritional supplements are important adjuncts to a proper diet and support homeostasis, only Potentiated Magnesium (pMg) has demonstrated profound beneficial support for normal heart health, circulation and blood flow, respiratory function, cellular function, muscle function, energy production, and Health Span support – and only pMg can balance calcium metabolism – and does so without any deleterious side effects…
and with 100% Uptake.
The Key to Heart Health is pMg!
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