Take Daily, With Plain Cool Water, in Divided Doses, Gradually Increasing to Optimum Intake Level – and Take Per The Following Guidelines
pMg is for optimum heart health and respiratory function support
MAX is for optimum muscle strength and immune system support
Potentiated Magnesium (pMg) and Go To The MAX (MAX) are for adults with normal kidney and digestive tract function. Those with compromised kidney or digestive tract function need to consult with their doctor before taking any form of supplemental magnesium (the kidneys help regulate how much magnesium is in the blood, while digestive tract problems can interfere with nutrient uptake). Carefully follow intake guidelines:
1. Take only with plain cool water (not other liquids, especially not hot liquids or carbonated beverages). Virtually all chemical reactions in the human body take place in a water-based fluid environment at body temperature. Cool or cold water is okay, but not hot water (hot beverages can stimulate the hydrophilic laxative effect of magnesium), and not carbonated water or other carbonated beverages (carbonated water, which is acidic, may disrupt the normal pH balance which can cause acid-buffering calcium to be leached from the bones, similar to the way phosphoric acid in sodas do). The best water is natural spring water. Do not take with distilled or de-ionized water (which have had their naturally occurring and healthful mineral content removed), and do not take with the newer fad or modified waters such as the high alkaline (high pH) water (which may interfere with nutrient uptake as well as normal food digestion). Natural spring water (that is at room temperature, cool, or even cold) is the best.
2. First-time users, start with one (1) tablet a day (to allow for body adaptation), and then very gradually increase daily dose to optimum intake level over a period of three or four weeks.
3. Spread the total daily amount of pMg throughout the day in divided doses, with meals and at bedtime. Take MAX at bedtime for muscle strength support, or take MAX in divided doses for immune system support. Yield: Each tablet of pMg yields 125 mg of elemental magnesium and 250 mg of natural vitamin C. Each tablet of MAX yields 10 mg of elemental zinc, 125 mg of elemental magnesium, and 250 mg of natural vitamin C.
4. Cardiovascular Health Support: Slowly build up to an optimum of eight (8) pMg tablets a day, in divided doses, with meals and at bedtime. Example: 2 tablets with each meal and 2 at bedtime, or 4 tablets AM and 4 tablets PM taken with meals with plain water (do not exceed more than 4 tablets at a time). May be beneficial to bracket meals with each dose (example: 2 tablets before the meal, and 2 tablets after the meal), especially for those with a compromised digestive tract or those who are especially sensitive to magnesium supplements. (If taking both pMg and MAX, slowly build up to an optimum of 4 pMg tablets in AM after a meal, and an optimum of 4 MAX tablets taken only at bedtime.) Yield: 8 tablets of pMg yields 1,000 mg of elemental magnesium and 2,000 mg of natural vitamin C. 4 tablets of pMg and 4 tablets of MAX yields 40 mg of elemental zinc, 1,000 mg of elemental magnesium, and 2,000 mg of natural vitamin C.
5. Respiratory Function Support: Start with only one (1) pMg tablet a day (on an empty stomach), and slowly build up to four (4) pMg tablets a day as needed. Example: Optimum is 1 or 2 tablets first thing in the morning, and 1 or 2 tablets at bedtime. An “empty stomach” means 20-30 minutes before food, or at least 2-3 hours after food (taken with plain cool water). Some have gotten rather dramatic relief from taking only 1 pMg tablet a day (first thing in the morning), while others have flourished with taking 4 pMg tablets a day (2 tablets AM and 2 tablets PM). Yield: Each tablet of pMg yields 125 mg of elemental magnesium and 250 mg of natural vitamin C. Important: pMg is not for acute respiratory distress or malfunction. However, pMg may help support normal respiratory function in those exposed to seasonal environmental irritants. It is very important that you consult your doctor before taking pMg if you have chronic respiratory conditions, and if taking medication do not stop or alter your medication without the knowledge and guidance of your doctor.
6. Muscle Strength Support: Slowly build up (over a period of 3-4 weeks) to an optimum of four (4) MAX tablets a day taken at bedtime with plain cool water. Important: Take MAX at bedtime so the essential nutrients in MAX are available for exercise-stimulated muscle recovery and growth to occur during sleep. MAX, which acts as an exercise catalyst, only works for enhanced muscle strength when incorporated with a regimen of regular exercise or physical activity. Those engaged in intense physical activity or training can increase MAX intake to a maximum of 8 tablets a day, up to 4 tablets before exercise (or spread throughout the day) and 4 tablets taken at bedtime (which yields 80 mg of zinc). DO NOT EXCEED more than 100 mg of zinc per day from all sources (from food and supplements combined). MAX has 10 mg of zinc per tablet. Those whose intake of zinc is 50 mg or more per day, for six weeks or longer, should also take 1-2 mg of supplemental copper a day to avoid a copper deficiency (or consume foods rich in copper such as shellfish, legumes, nuts, seeds, or beef liver). Yield: 4 tablets of MAX yields 40 mg of elemental zinc, 500 mg of elemental magnesium, and 1,000 mg of natural vitamin C, and 8 tablets of MAX yields twice those amounts.
7. Immune System Support: Slowly build up (over a period of 3-4 weeks) to four (4) MAX tablets a day, in divided doses, for routine immune system support. When extra immune system support is needed, take a maximum of eight (8) MAX tablets a day, in divided doses, for up to a maximum of 7-10 days, to help boost the immune system, and divide the doses by taking 1or 2 tablets of MAX every 2-3 hours (up to a maximum of 8 tablets a day). Take with plain cool water, after eating. DO NOT EXCEED more than 100 mg of zinc per day from all sources (from food and supplements combined). MAX has 5 mg of zinc per tablet. Those whose intake of zinc is 50 mg or more per day, for six weeks or longer, should also take 1-2 mg of supplemental copper a day to avoid a copper deficiency (or consume copper-rich foods such as shellfish, legumes, nuts, seeds, or beef liver). Yield: MAX has 5 mg of elemental zinc, 125 mg of elemental magnesium, and 250 mg of vital vitamin C per tablet. A little extra vitamin C and vitamin D are also thought to help provide an extra boost to the immune system when needed.
8. pMg and MAX together: For all the benefits of pMg (heart health, circulation, respiratory function, energy, anti-aging, and health span support) and all the benefits of MAX (exercised muscle strength, endurance, peak physical performance, recovery, energy, and immune system support), take both pMg and MAX daily: Slowly build up (over a period of 3-4 weeks) to an optimum of four (4) pMg tablets taken in the AM or at lunch time (after a meal, taken with plain cool water), and slowly build up to an optimum of four (4) MAX tablets taken at bedtime (with plain cool water). Combined Yield: 4 tablets of pMg combined with 4 tablets of MAX a day provides 20 mg of elemental zinc, 1,000 mg of elemental magnesium, and 2,000 mg of natural vitamin C.
9. Importance of Fiber: May be beneficial to take dietary fiber daily, especially psyllium fiber. Psyllium is a stronger hydrophilic than magnesium, and therefore may assist pMg uptake by diverting the hydrophilic effect. This may be especially helpful for the approximately 10-20% of the adult population who are extremely sensitive to magnesium supplements. Psyllium fiber is the outer husk portion of psyllium seeds, and is a natural mucilage that is activated by water. Take pMg after ingesting the psyllium fiber, or bracket the pMg dose around the psyllium fiber (i.e., half the dose of pMg before taking the psyllium fiber, and half the dose of pMg after taking the psyllium fiber). When taking psyllium fiber carefully follow the manufacturer’s directions and take with plenty of water. To avoid the gas, cramping and bloating that can occur with first-time users of psyllium fiber, start with a very small amount (about ¼ teaspoon per day) and gradually build up over a period of a couple of weeks to the optimum dose of 1 rounded teaspoonful per serving per day, and take after a meal with plenty of water. It is suggested that for best results, use a 100% natural psyllium fiber powder supplement (mixed with water) such as original Konsyl® brand. Metamucil® Fiber Wafers can be used when traveling (or for those who simply cannot tolerate the psyllium fiber powder), but it is not quite as effective as Original Konsyl® 100% Natural Psyllium Fiber because Konsyl® is free of additives, colors, and sugar. Note that sugar or fat-laden foods ingested immediately after taking psyllium fiber may cause temporary stomach cramping in some individuals. (Konsyl is the registered trademark of Konsyl Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Metamucil is the registered trademark of Procter & Gamble.)
10. Calcium Supplementation: It will be counterproductive during the pMg or MAX regimens to take any other form of magnesium supplement, and especially counterproductive to take calcium supplements. It is believed that adequate calcium can be attained by adults by consuming a properly balanced diet, such as the MediterrAsian Diet (which is a natural blend of the Mediterranean Diet with a strong Asian seafood influence).
For those who take calcium supplements because of their concern over bone weakening, regular daily weight-bearing exercise (exercises that you engage in while supporting the weight of the body with the legs), such as regular walking (optimum: 30/100 daily, i.e., 30 minutes a day, at 100 steps per minute), and regular weight training exercises, have repeatedly been shown to help support and maintain bone strength and health. Recent research has revealed that calcium supplementation tends to make bones brittle (and hence more susceptible to breakage), while magnesium supplementation tends to make bones more flexible (and hence less susceptible to breakage). It has been demonstrated that calcium from supplements is handled differently by the body than calcium that is naturally present in food.
It is currently believed that the healthiest and most bioavailable form of calcium is dietary calcium that is naturally present in food and derived from a proper and well-balanced diet (rather than from calcium supplements or calcium”fortified” foods).
Contrary to popular belief, daily calcium supplementation in adults has not been shown to significantly improve bone strength, or prevent or reverse weak bones, but on the other hand does significantly contribute to unbalanced calcium metabolism. It is currently believed that calcium supplementation in mature adults helps make bones more brittle and thus more susceptible to fracture, while magnesium supplementation helps keep bones more flexible and thus less susceptible to fracture.
Fundamentally, a sedentary lifestyle and the lack of regular exercise, especially the lack of regular walking, mobilizes and accentuates a calcium drain from bones which causes the bones to weaken, and at the same time dumps excess calcium into the bloodstream which strongly contributes to unbalanced calcium metabolism. In addition to weak bones, unbalanced calcium metabolism can affect normal cardiovascular health and function, as well as normal cellular function and longevity. (For more details about calcium and the effects of unbalanced calcium metabolism see ”Calcium,” “Magnesium,” and “Vitamin D” in the Nutrient Resource Section, and “The Role of Calcium” and “Unbalanced Calcium Metabolism” in the Health Research Section.)
The only thing that has ever demonstrated it can effectively balance calcium metabolism, and prevent and even reverse the problems associated with unbalanced calcium metabolism, is Potentiated Magnesium. (Reference the following Patents: U.S. 5,849,337, U.S. 6,372,264, Canada 2,295,108, Japan 3622985, China ZL 02828726.6, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom EP 1003370)
Take pMg Daily for Optimum Cardiovascular Health & Function Support!
Take MAX Daily for Optimum Muscle Strength & Immune System Support!