Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Carbs & Weight Gain
The Glycemic Index (GI) is a numerical ranking method that was developed in the early 1980’s as a way of estimating how quickly a consumed food would elevate the blood glucose (blood sugar) level. It is based upon the carbohydrate content of food. The GI also indirectly indicates the degree of pancreas stimulation. When consumed, carbohydrates (carbs) trigger insulin secretion by the pancreas, and it is the hormone insulin that ushers glucose into the cells for its use as an energy source. Basically, it is glucose metabolism (the ATP energy-yielding breakdown and anaerobic enzymatic conversion of glucose, known as glycolysis) inside cells that provides the cells with their functional energy. Over the years the GI has been refined and expanded as more data became available and better understood. This has resulted in a large and comprehensive compilation of many hundreds of foods. However, and in spite of its comprehensiveness, in actual use its sheer size alone has made it impractical and cumbersome to use. It also had other shortcomings, not the least of which was how much per usual serving a particular food would increase the blood glucose level when compared to other foods, that is, how much of a carbohydrate load-burden did it introduce to the body. This became known as the Glycemic Load (GL), which is a separate numerical ranking based upon serving size. Notwithstanding the fact that serving sizes often vary from food to food (and from person to person) in the real world, cross-referencing the GL with the GI just added another layer of confusion and made it even more cumbersome to use in any practical way. To overcome these problems and to update the concept, The Research Lab (an orthomolecular research facility) joined forces with the nutritional supplement producer Maxcelint Laboratories to develop a simple, much more concise, and far more user-friendly listing that takes into account all the variables in one easy-to-use guide – called the Advanced Glycemic Index. The Advanced Glycemic Index (AGI) focuses on kinds of foods and how they affect blood glucose and impact insulin secretion, clearly delineates high, moderate, and low effects, and is served with a generous portion of common sense.
In the Advanced Glycemic Index, the higher the AGI number, the quicker the consumed food is converted to blood glucose and the greater the insulin response – and the least healthy that food is from a blood glucose elevating and insulin stimulating standpoint. Chronically elevated blood glucose is the well-known precursor to insulin resistance and blood sugar problems, and a strong contributory factor in weight gain, obesity, and cardiovascular problems.
The AGI for foods is merely a guide. However, once familiar with what kind of foods spike blood glucose and a quick insulin response (and understand the health consequences of regularly consuming those foods), it will become easier to make healthy food choices. The type of food you consume today, will to a large extent dictate your health status tomorrow.
Something to keep in mind with the Advanced Glycemic Index (as well as its predecessors) is that it only applies to the carbohydrate content of food, and how quickly a particular food elevates blood glucose levels – and how quickly it does so relative to each other. It does not mean that “Meat” with an AGI of only 28 is healthier than “Oatmeal” with an AGI of 49, or that whole “Milk” at 40 is healthier than whole wheat “Bread” at 64. Obviously, foods that contain more protein and/or fat will digest slower and thus have a lower AGI, while foods that are predominately carbohydrate will digest faster and thus have a higher AGI – with refined carbs and sugar-laden foods having the highest AGI. Refined carbs are sugar in disguise.
Refined carbs are plant foods (grains mostly) that have been processed to the extent that the fiber, bran, and most of the nutrients have been removed, and/or have had some form of sugar added (which is itself a refined carb). When ingested, the body can’t tell the difference between refined carbs and sugar, and handles it the same as if it was sugar. It has recently been discovered that sugar alters the balance of intestinal bacteria (microflora) that normally reside in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which can manifest as GI tract functional disruption and modify nutrient digestion.
Other factors to consider are: 1. How much fiber the food contains. Fiber slows the conversion to glucose – compare whole wheat bread (64) with white bread (84). 2. How much bran is in the food. Bran (the outer covering of grains) provides more substance, which also slows the conversion to glucose – compare brown rice (79) with white rice (90). 3. Consider how the food is prepared. Cooking evaporates moisture in food, as does the drying of food, which concentrates the sugar content – compare raw carrots (20) with cooked carrots (66), and fresh fruit (60) with dried fruit (78). Whole foods generally have a lower AGI than extracts – compare whole fruit (60) with fruit juice (64).
Fiber is part of whole plant foods that have not been processed into a refined carb. It is naturally contained in the plant’s outer protective shell, husk, or skin (in grains it’s called “bran”), or located within the plant’s structure (as “gums” that hold the plant together). Fiber is also within the plant’s structure where it forms the plant’s supporting framework (in effect, the plant’s skeleton), and forms the plant’s cell membranes. Common sources of bran and gums include whole grains (such as barley, oats and wheat), and legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts, peas and soybeans). Guar gum, gum arabic and agar are common plant-derived gums used as food additives. Cellulose, an indigestible complex carb, is found in: Apples, beets, broccoli, raw carrots, celery, green beans, lima beans, pears, peas and whole grains. Hemicellulose, also an indigestible complex carb, is found in: Apples, bananas, beans, beets, cabbage, corn, leafy green vegetables, pears, peas and whole grains. Pectin, a partially digestible complex carb, is found in: Apples, avocados, bananas, beets, cabbage, raw carrots, citrus and most fruits, okra and peas. Plant foods provide a wide variety of healthful dietary fiber.
Not all fiber comes from plants. Some forms of fiber come from seeds. “Psyllium” comes from the husks of psyllium seeds, and “lignin” comes from flaxseeds and sesame seeds. Lignins are abundantly found in flaxseeds and sesame seeds (and most other seeds), and also in raw carrots, green beans, peaches, peas, potato skins, strawberries, tomatoes and whole grains. Psyllium fiber is a hydrophilic mucilloid (aka mucilage, which means it works with water) that stimulates peristalsis (the wave of muscle contractions in the intestines that moves things along) which promotes normal waste elimination and helps prevent intestinal toxin buildup, and can help lower blood cholesterol by binding with bile acids in the intestinal tract. Because psyllium fiber is such a strong hydrophilic (attracts and holds water) it can be used by those who are especially sensitive to the mineral magnesium (which is inherently hydrophilic) by diverting magnesium’s hydrophilic affect when the magnesium is taken after ingesting the psyllium fiber. Potentiated Magnesium (pMg) was specifically formulated to overcome the inherent hydrophilic nature of magnesium, but studies revealed that about 10-20% of people are extra sensitive to magnesium, even the magnesium in pMg. The intake of psyllium fiber improved the uptake of pMg, even in those who were the most sensitive to magnesium.
Vegetables are a special category of carbohydrate. Leafy vegetables rank very low (19) on the AGI. However, root vegetables (tubers) are different. Vegetables that grow underground (such as beets, carrots, potatoes and turnips) form their carbohydrate content a little differently (and more concentrated) than vegetables that grow in the sunshine. When tubers are cooked their sugar content becomes even more concentrated. In fact, the sugar content of beets is so concentrated that it is often processed into “beet sugar,” which has been used commercially almost as much as “cane sugar.” Another factor that affects the uptake of tubers is their color, which signifies their nutrient and phytochemical content. Tubers with color (such as beets, carrots, sweet potatoes and yams) take longer to assimilate because there is more in them for the body to process. Tubers that lack color (such as white potatoes) are assimilated much quicker.
One particular source of confusion for many people is products made with flour. Baked goods made with “wheat flour” or “unbleached enriched wheat flour” are made from nothing more than ordinary white flour, which is a refined carb. On the other hand, products made exclusively from “100% whole wheat flour” (or some other whole grain), are wholesome products. When white flour is manufactured the inner “germ” and the outer “bran” are milled away. This is done to provide a more stable product that has a longer shelf life – at the expense of its nutritional value and fiber content. Food products made from 100% whole grains have the natural oil-containing germ portion and the fiber-containing bran intact, which makes a significant difference in their nutrient and fiber content. The key wording to look for when reading the label of a food product made from grains is “100% whole grain.” Thus, a “Wheat Bread” or a “Whole Wheat Bread” are not the same thing as the more nutrient-dense and fiber-containing “100% Whole Wheat Bread.” To add to the confusion, some breads are a combination of whole wheat and white flour, and then are deceptively able to label their bread as “whole wheat.” Plus, the manufacturers often use even more deceptive wording. Is a product that “contains 100% whole grains” the same thing as a product that is entirely made from 100% whole grains? Of course not. Grain products that are labeled with anything other than made exclusively or entirely from 100% whole grains is at least part a refined carb, and refined carbs are handled by the body the same as if it is sugar.
Sugar will quickly elevate blood sugar (blood glucose), some forms of sugar more quickly than others. Common forms of sugar include: (1) Dextrose – Grape sugar, a basic sugar that is a naturally occurring form of glucose; (2) Fructose – Fruit sugar, a basic sugar that naturally occurs in fruit that is 98% pure crystalline fructose (not to be confused with “high-fructose corn syrup”); (3) Galactose – A basic sugar found in dairy products, sugar beets, gums and mucilage; (4) Glucose – A basic sugar that supplies energy and is involved in glycation of proteins and lipids (fats and sterols), the regular excess consumption of which may lead to the complications commonly seen in those with blood sugar problems (such as eye-damaging retinopathy, kidney damage, vascular and nerve-damaging peripheral neuropathy, and cardiovascular damage); (5) Invert Sugar – A sucrose-based sweetener that is equal parts glucose and fructose, and is used to help keep food products made with it moist; (6) Lactose – Milk sugar, which is composed of glucose and the much less-sweet galactose; (7) Maltose – Malt sugar, composed of glucose molecules that have a reduced sweetness; and (8) Sucrose – Common white table sugar refined from sugar cane or sugar beets, composed of equal parts of glucose and fructose, formally the most common sweetening agent used in food, but has subsequently been replaced by less-expensive-to-produce high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) which is omnipresent in processed food products and many beverages. To downplay the negative image of HFCS, it has recently been referred to as “corn sugar” (which brings to mind the old adage: “A rose by any other name…”). It is the “ose” suffix that indicates a sugar.
The more there are other nutrients that naturally occur with sugar, the more slowly it will be converted to blood glucose. Good examples of this are lactose in milk and fructose in fruit. Milk has protein and fat that slows lactose uptake, and fruit has fiber and many phytonutrients that somewhat slow fructose uptake.
Other sweetening agents that are basically sugar include: Turbinado sugar, honey, molasses, corn syrup, and the less common sweetening agents maple syrup (a sugar maple tree resin extract, aka sap), and sorghum (a plant extract). Turbinado sugar (aka “raw sugar”) is nothing more than cane sugar crystals where a small amount of molasses remains or has been added. The molasses adds a tiny bit of nutrients and provides a richer flavor, but raw sugar consumption will still elevate blood glucose levels essentially the same as ordinary white sugar (sucrose). Honey has some nutritive value which slightly slows its conversion to blood glucose. The same thing holds true of Molasses, which is the residue of refined sugar, and converts to blood glucose even slower than honey because it is rich in several minerals and vitamin B6. Corn syrup (which is obviously derived from corn) is used in a large variety of processed foods and beverages as high-fructose corn syrup (aka “corn sugar”), the habitual consumption of which has been implicated as a key factor in the development of insulin resistance and blood glucose problems. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) readily spikes blood glucose and insulin secretion, and tops the AGI at 100.
Elevated Blood Sugar Effects
It is well-known that the habitual consumption of refined carbs, sugar, and sugar-laden foods can lead to a carbohydrate metabolic disorder, characterized by abnormally high glucose and insulin levels in the blood. Insulin is the pancreas-produced hormone that normally ushers glucose into cells for its metabolic use, with its secretion being triggered by carbohydrate consumption. However, with the habitual consumption of refined carbs and sugar, which spikes insulin secretion, two things can occur: (1) The cell receptors can eventually become desensitized and resistant to the flood of insulin (a condition known as “insulin resistance”), which is the fundamental breakdown in the ability of the cells to properly process glucose and utilize insulin; and (2) The buildup of glucose and insulin in the bloodstream can negatively affect the normal function of the blood vessels, nerves, eyes, heart, brain and kidneys, and contribute to cardiovascular endothelial cell damage and inflammation, as well as cognitive impairment (because ingested sugar is readily and quickly converted to blood glucose and then goes directly to the brain, essentially bypassing liver processing unlike other nutrients, too much or too little can have a tremendous impact on normal brain function and cognition). It is equally well-known that if the pancreas is unable to produce adequate insulin (the result of the autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing beta-cells of the pancreas, usually during childhood), that the buildup of glucose in the bloodstream can have much the same effect. In either case, a proper diet and regular moderate exercise becomes extremely important, along with appropriate medical guidance. Early studies involving curcumin (the bright yellow portion of the spice turmeric) and the mineral chromium, along with recent studies involving cinnamon, suggest they may help support the normal biological utilization of consumed carbohydrates and the normal cellular metabolism of blood glucose.
It is no coincidence that obesity and blood glucose problems (which are becoming of epidemic proportions) and cardiovascular problems (which is of epidemic proportions) have a common fundamental cause: Improper diet, lack of regular exercise, and elevated blood triglycerides. Blood triglycerides are elevated by consuming sugar-laden foods, refined carbs, and alcohol (which is also a refined carb). Besides being a well-known risk factor for cardiovascular problems, elevated blood triglycerides is also a major risk factor for obesity and blood glucose problems, and is one of the best predictors of blood vessel and nerve damage known to affect the legs and feet (known as “peripheral neuropathy”), which is believed to affect about 60% of those with blood glucose problems.
In addition to insulin resistance and blood glucose problems, the habitual consumption of refined carbs and sugar-laden foods significantly contributes to weight gain, obesity, and cardiovascular problems. Consumed refined carbs and sugar-laden foods readily convert to blood glucose, and excess blood glucose readily converts to blood triglycerides. Excess blood triglycerides readily convert to stored body fat, and while in the blood are especially susceptible to oxidation by free radicals which can contribute to the arterial damage, inflammation, and dystrophic calcification sparked by unbalanced calcium metabolism.
When excess triglycerides are stored as body fat it is the worst kind of body fat, typically stored around the middle as belly fat (and the not so lovely “love handles”), which explains how someone who has a thin body build can still have a gut – they eat too much refined carbs and sugar, and exercise very little, if at all. Thus, the connection between an improper diet, insulin resistance, weight gain, obesity, blood glucose problems, and cardiovascular problems – and explains why most who have blood glucose problems are usually overweight and usually have cardiovascular problems.
Magnesium (Mg) is the primary nutrient that is actively involved in glycolysis (the metabolic conversion and use of glucose), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy production and use (as MgATP), and has a profound beneficial impact on the health and normal function of the cardiovascular system.
While carbs are necessary for energy production, it is the slower-digesting complex carbs (such as vegetables, whole grains and legumes) that allow for a slow and steady conversion to blood glucose and the normal action of insulin to usher glucose into the cells, rather than spiking cell-damaging glucose and insulin levels the way refined carbs, sugar, and sugar-laden foods do.
Craving Sweets
So then why do we crave sweets (rather than a plate full of vegetables)? The answer is basic biology. Our body needs glucose to function. In fact, it is so critical for brain function that it goes directly to the brain rather than to the liver first the way other nutrients do – it is a biological imperative for survival. Plus, sugar has an agreeable sweet taste and provides a physiological “lift.” This creates an associated “cause and effect” relationship, which creates an addictive situation – to the detriment of cell function and the eventual damage to our heath. However, like any addiction, it can be broken – requiring only a basic understanding of how nutrients work in the body, coupled with a strong desire to improve one’s health. The Advanced Glycemic Index provides a good guide for proper carbohydrate consumption.
How Sweet Is It?
The percent of relative sweetness of sugars (in their pure form) provides an indication as to how relatively quick they will convert to blood glucose after consumption:
Artificial Sweeteners
What about artificial sweeteners? Artificial sweeteners (the stuff in the pink, blue, or yellow packets), even though they do not raise blood glucose levels, are not healthy alternatives to sugar because they are unnatural chemicals the body is unable to properly metabolize (in addition to them killing off the beneficial microflora in the intestinal tract). Plus, the habitual consumption of artificial sweeteners has been suspect in several health conditions ranging from gastric upset and loose stools to abnormal cell formation and growth.
A sugar substitute in some manufactured foods is called sugar alcohols (common in “low-carb” foods and snacks), and are artificial sweeteners that commonly contain about half the calories of regular sugar. Even though they may have limited calories, products that contain sugar alcohols can nonetheless legally be labeled as “sugar free” or “no sugar added,” with such wording being your tip-off that they contain some form of an artificial sweetener.
When sugar alcohols are used in manufactured food they are indicated on the label as “net carbs” and listed in the ingredients as: Sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, erythritol, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, or hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH). Sugar alcohols are generally not considered healthful, and can cause adverse side effects such as abdominal cramping, bloating and diarrhea (and perhaps more serious problems with extended habitual use). Xylitol (which appears to be useful for dental health) and stevia (a non-caloric plant extract with a bitter aftertaste) may be the only exceptions but the jury is still out on them. The long term effects of the consumption of sugar alcohols are unknown.
Sodas are triple trouble: (1) They contain large amounts of sugar, thus putting them into the “bad carb” category; (2) They contain phosphoric acid (even diet sodas) which leaches calcium from bones, making the bones weaker, and contributes to unbalanced calcium metabolism by dumping the calcium leached from the bones into the bloodstream; and (3) Their carbonation (the impregnation with carbon dioxide) has an acidic pH which contributes to the calciun drain from bones. Plus, it is especially easy to consume large amounts of sodas because they are in liquid form, and to consume them often because of their addictive nature (encouraged by the omnipresent promotional ads that promote sodas as a fun and youthful drink). In addition, the artificial sweeteners used in the so-called “diet sodas” ironically have sort of a rebound effect that actually encourages weight gain, the result of the body craving calories to fill the void created by the consumption of the diet sodas. The artificial sweeteners provide a sweet taste but do nothing to provide satiety (that satisfying feeling). The result is the body craves carbs (the refined carbs that provide the quickest influx of sugar) to fill the void – with the net result being weight gain. Bottom line: Artificial sweeteners can actually cause weight gain, and it is the worst and most unhealthy kind of weight gain – fat around the middle and belly fat.
Whether the long-term consumption of artificial sweeteners actually contribute to serious health problems or not, one thing is for sure: These man-made chemical additives do nothing to benefit health.
Weight Gain
The most important factors that influence weight gain are diet, sleep, exercise, and the balance between the appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin.
Leptin is a body-produced hormone that helps regulate the appetite and is naturally stimulated when the stomach is full and adequate nutrients have been consumed (a state known as satiety). Ghrelin is a body-produced hormone that stimulates hunger and is triggered by the lack of food, and by the consumption of sugar and refined carbs, and also by the consumption of dietary fat. Probably part of the body’s survival mechanism, the effects of appetite-controlling leptin tends to be slower to kick-in, while the effects of hunger-stimulating ghrelin tends to kick-in more quickly, be more intense, and last longer.
The regular consumption of sugar and refined carbs stimulates weight gain. Consumed sugar or refined carbs are readily transformed into triglycerides and stored as body fat in adipose tissues. This is the fundamental way in which body fat is formed, and the more sugar and refined carbs eaten the more body fat that is stored. The consumption of sugar and refined carbs triggers the production of ghrelin because the body senses that the sugar and refined carbs are devoid of useable amounts of nutrients (vitamins and minerals necessary for normal cellular function and metabolism), instead containing mostly an abundance of “empty calories.” Thus, a person can be full but still crave more food. Simply put, the consumption of sugar and refined carbs makes a person fat, and it is the worst kind of body fat – around the middle as belly fat. An otherwise trim-looking person who has a bulge of fat around the middle is a person that regularly consumes sugar and/or refined carbs, or regularly consumes artificial sweeteners.
The regular consumption of excess dietary fat also stimulates weight gain. The consumption of dietary fat disrupts the normal leptin/ghrelin balance. It has recently been found that dietary fat intake upsets the normal leptin/ghrelin hormone balance by stimulating ghrelin production, which triggers hunger (Reference: Cincinnati Academic Health Center, June 5, 2009, in a paper titled: “Fatty Foods – Not Empty Stomach – Fire Up Hunger Hormones”). Simply put, the consumption of excess dietary fat increases hunger.
Then there is wheat. Not the wheat our ancestors cultivated and thrived on, but modern-day wheat that has been genetically modified over the years to maximize crop yield (an important consideration with the ever expanding population growth). However, modern wheat has a protein in it called “gliadin” that is thought to bind onto the opiate receptors in the brain which can stimulate pleasure and the appetite – and stimulate a craving for bread and other wheat products – with the net result being an ever expanding waistline. Gliadin should not be confused with “gluten” which is another issue altogether. Other grains that are generally thought to be healthier alternatives to wheat include barley, oats, rye, brown rice, buckwheat, millet, spelt, khorasan wheat, and protein-rich gluten-free quinoa (which is technically a seed rather than a grain). Wheat and sugar together are double trouble.
Bottom line: The consumption of sugar, refined carbohydrates, dietary fat, and wheat products stimulates weight gain.
A broad plant-based diet that encompasses a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts, peas and soybeans), fish and seafood (including sea plants), 100% whole grains, olive oil, nuts, seeds, a select few animal-based foods like fresh free-range eggs, a little cultured nonfat dairy (yogurt), a little soft cheese, occasional fresh meat, and contains very little (if any) refined carbs or sugar-laden foods, and no trans fats or hydrogenated oils, remains the foundation of health. Such a healthy diet is known as the MediterrAsian Diet, which will help normalize the balance between the body-produced appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin, help prevent food cravings, help prevent unwanted weight gain, help the body attain and maintain a normal body weight, and greatly support the balance, stability, structural integrity, and normal function of the body. Proper nutrition is the fundamental basis of health and longevity. (See “Proper Nutrition” in “The Five Pillars of Health” section for more detailed information.)
Lack of sleep is cumulative and disrupts normal body function, mentally as well as physically, and is responsible for “brain fog” which is a strong contributory factor in poor job performance and accidents (especially auto accidents). Lack of sleep also stimulates hunger – a key factor in weight gain. Lack of sleep disrupts the normal balance between the body-produced hormones leptin (an appetite suppressant hormone) and ghrelin (an appetite stimulant hormone). The balance between these two hormones are related to the body’s ability to maintain normal body weight, as well as sleep patterns, and forms the link between the body’s internal urges to sleep and to eat. Lack of sleep disrupts the normal balance between leptin and ghrelin, and in so doing stimulates the appetite and weight gain. Further compounding the problem is that those who have become obese tend to become leptin resistant. Adequate Sleep helps normalize the balance between these two important hormones, helps keep hunger in check, and thus helps the body attain and maintain normal body weight. (See “Adequate Sleep” in “The Five Pillars of Health” section for what constitutes adequate sleep.)
Thyroid Gland
Another important factor in weight gain is an abnormally functioning thyroid gland, which upsets the normal hormone balance and affects the body in several deleterious ways. The thyroid gland is an endocrine (hormone-secreting) gland that: (1) Regulates the rate of metabolism (i.e., how quickly the body uses energy); (2) Affects the growth and rate of function of several other body systems; (3) Controls how sensitive the body is to other hormones; (4) Makes proteins; and (5) Plays a role in calcium balance. The thyroid gland is controlled by the hypothalamus gland and the pituitary gland, and requires the amino acid tyrosine and the essential mineral iodine in adequate amounts to function normally. Kelp supplements are a natural source for the mineral iodine. (See “Iodine” in the “Magnificent Minerals” section for more details.)
The fundamental balance between calories consumed (from food) and calories expended (from physical activity) remains the cornerstone of body weight management. Regular Exercise provides that balance, and is also considered the “catalyst” of health. (See “Regular Exercise” in “The Five Pillars of Health” section for the importance of regular exercise.)
It has recently been found that short intense bursts of Interval Training exercises provides the muscles with more to adapt to, which is what supports muscle strength and conditioning the most. This form of Interval Training consists of a series of 3-5 sets that last only 3-5 minutes each. Exercises that are well-suited for this kind of workout include: Jumping Jacks (side-straddle hop), push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups, squats, running in place, and even a few select Weight Training exercises (such as curls). Interval Training can even be incorporated into walking by engaging in Runwalking (short bursts of jogging, each lasting about 30 seconds to one minute, interspersed throughout the walking session) if walking indoors on a treadmill, or “wind sprints” (short bursts of sprinting) if walking out-of-doors. Of course, such vigorous exercising, or any unaccustomed physical activity, should only be engaged in after first getting the approval of your doctor. (See “Get The Most From Your Workout With MAX” section for more information.)
Interval Training provides a good adjunct to 30/100 daily, which is walking for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, at a vigorous 100 steps per minute pace. This type of walking, done every day for at least 30 minutes, greatly supports endurance, blood circulation, and heart health – in addition to being helpful for supporting normal blood glucose levels, and helping to attain and maintain a healthful body weight.
Bottom line: The consumption of Proper Nutrition (from the MediterrAsian Diet), along with Adequate Sleep (5 full sleep cycles per night), and Regular Exercise (30/100 daily or Runwalking plus Weight Training and/or Interval Training) will greatly help the body attain and maintain normal body weight. (See “Proper Nutrition,” Adequate Sleep” and “Regular Exercise” in “The Five Pillars of Health” section for more detailed information.)