MAX + Physical Activity = Peak Physical Performance
Go To The MAX – Potentiated Magnesium plus Zinc (MAX) has three basic purposes: (1) MAX works with regular exercise, sports, and all other forms of physical activity to maximize muscle strength, endurance, energy, vitality, recovery, power, and peak physical performance; (2) MAX supports the normal function of the immune system (which helps speed workout recovery); and (3) MAX supports the normal function of the most important muscle in the body, the heart.
MAX is a nutritional supplement made from essential nutrients that have been brought together in a unique and patented way specifically to get the most out of workouts (and all other physical activities) while supporting normal heart health, normal respiratory function, and the normal function of the immune system. MAX is the world’s most advanced formula for natural supercharged power and peak physical performance, and is especially useful when regularly engaged in Progressive Resistance Weight Training, commonly referred to as Weight Training, and regularly engaged in Interval Training. Understanding and implementing the basics of Weight Training and Interval Training will optimize the use and benefits derived from MAX. Make sure to check with your doctor before engaging in any unaccustomed physical activity.
Weight Training Basics
Overtraining, Recovery & Adaptation
“Overtraining” is working out too often, using too much weight, not allowing enough time between workout sessions, and inadequate sleep for the muscles to recover and grow. It is the single biggest mistake that most people make when starting to work out and will be counterproductive. Overtraining is the main reason why most people quit working out. Excessively sore muscles and fatigue the next day after a workout are a sure sign of overtraining.
Physiologically, overtraining is the inability of the muscle and nerve cells to respond in the normal way to the stimulus of normal function as a result of overuse or excessive activity. Even though overtraining is muscle overuse, it affects the whole body systemically, and can even cause an increase above the normal 98.6° temperature.
When working out, the muscles (muscle fibers) are actually torn down a little. If working out too often (especially if using too much weight and/or doing too many sets and reps), then the muscle fibers don’t have enough time to recuperate. It is this recuperation that causes the muscles to grow and increase in size and strength – as the muscle fibers incrementally increase in physical size. This is the result of the body’s natural repair and adaptation process, with applied physical stress to the muscles being the trigger that starts the process. The whole process is based on stress, repair and adaptation. It is similar to the way the body responds automatically if a person gets a small cut (stress), and then a scab forms (repair), eventually forming a tough scar (adaptation).
There are two major factors for making significant gains: Recovery and Adaptation. Recovery requires adequate rest between workout sessions, adequate nutrient intake, and adequate sleep. Adaptation requires incorporating a variety of exercises, or varying how the exercises are done, to impart “muscle confusion” so the body doesn’t get used to the same exercises all the time and thus has more to adapt to. These are key factors for making real gains.
Actual muscle growth occurs when sleeping, as the body recuperates. This is why it is important to take MAX at bedtime – so the raw materials the muscles need are present for recuperation to take place. The biggest improvements seen in exercised muscle strength and endurance has been from taking a maximum of only 4 tablets of MAX at bedtime each day, along with the muscle stimulation of regular exercise. It has been shown to be beneficial to also take a maximum of 4 tablets of Potentiated Magnesium (pMg) earlier in the day (with meals) for the support and normal function of the strongest and most important muscle in the human body – the heart. Both MAX and pMg can be taken.
MAX for normal muscle function and strength support.
pMg for normal heart health and respiratory function support.
This basic Weight Training guide shows how to prevent overtraining and allow quick increases in muscle strength (with MAX) and muscle size (with proper exercise stimulation). Workout with knowledge, know-how, and MAX – it will make all the difference.
Important: Always check with your doctor before engaging in any unaccustomed physical activity.
The correct frequency (how often to work out with Weight Training) should be only 2 or 3 times a week. Twice a week is the minimum; three times a week is the maximum – with one, two or three days between workout sessions. Important: Never engage in Weight Training two days in a row. Let your body be your guide. If you are really sore the next day, then you are either working out too often and/or you are using too much weight. Being a little sore is okay, but being really sore isn’t. If the muscle fibers are torn down too much, it will take a much longer time for them to recover. As an example, a good workout schedule might be Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or Monday and Thursday. You can be flexible and workout any two or three days a week, but be sure to leave at least one or two days in between workout sessions. When you get to where you can work out with heavier weights, best results will be seen by working out only twice a week with two or three days in between each workout session. The greater the physical stress, the more time the body needs to recover.
Sets & Reps
All workout exercises are done in set and reps. A “set” is a series of repetitions. “Reps” are the number of repetitions. Sets and reps are always expressed with the number of sets first, followed by the number of reps, and are written as: 3×10 (as an example). As a general rule:
1. The number of sets increase as the amount of weight increases, and at the same time the number of reps decrease. High weight = more sets, less reps.
Example: 5 sets of 6 reps (5×6) – for improved muscularity (bigger, stronger muscles).
2. The number of sets decrease as the amount of weight decreases, and at the same time the number of reps increase. Low weight = less sets, more reps.
Example: 3 sets of 10 reps (3×10) – for improved vascularity (better blood flow).
A set using very low weight (1×20 or 1×30) is a good warm-up set that floods the muscles with blood, and is known as a “pump.” A very low weight “pump” is also a good cool-down set that helps clear lactic acid buildup from the exercised muscles. Warm-up sets and cool-down sets are only done using very light weight.
Note that high weight builds bigger muscles (because it tears down more muscle fibers), while low weight increases blood flow and vascularity. It is increased vascularity that allows for increased muscularity, simply because the muscles receive the nutrients they need to grow from the bloodstream. Basically, food goes into the stomach and is broken down into nutrients that are transported into the bloodstream for transport to the cells of the muscle fibers. The nutrients are the raw material of muscle growth. Thus, there is an important correlation between exercise, nutrition and sleep. You need all three for muscle strength increases and muscle growth.
Basic Sets & Reps Program
Set 1: 1 set of 10 to 30 reps – Light Weight (warm-up set, to increase blood flow).
Set 2: 1 set of 6 to 10 reps – Medium Weight (slightly more weight than Set 1).
Set 3: 1 set of 6 to 8 reps – Medium Weight (slightly more weight than Set 2).
Set 4: 1 set of 6 reps – Medium-Heavy Weight (slightly more weight than Set 3).
Set 5: 1 set of 3 to 6 reps – Heavy Weight (use controllable amount of weight only).
Set 6: 1 set of 10 to 30 reps – Light Weight (cool-down, slightly more wt. than Set 1).
The rest between sets is only for as long as it takes to change the weights for each set. This will build workload capacity and endurance.
Note that as the weight increases the number of reps decreases (as in Sets 2, 3, 4 and 5), while the warm-up set (Set 1) and the cool-down set (Set 6) are always done with high reps and very light weight. Warm-up sets and cool-down sets are also a good way to incorporate a dynamic stretch of the muscles exercised, which are thought to be more beneficial for muscles than static stretching. Dynamic stretching is stretching while moving.
For maximum muscle strength and growth, only increase the weight used (in Sets 2, 3, 4 and 5) very gradually over a period of time as your body adapts, making sure not to increase the weight used too quickly to avoid overtraining (which will stall your progress). If built up slowly as indicated, eventually you will be able to use heavy weights in Set 5, but only use that amount of weight that you can completely control during the exercise movement (to avoid overtraining and progress-stalling injuries). When a weight feels easy, it is time to increase the amount of weight used – slightly.
When a “sticking point” is encountered, where it becomes difficult to increase the weight used in any particular exercise, it can be overcome by reducing the weight used for a workout session or two, and then increasing the weight to the next higher increment in the following session.
Focused imagery of an exercise that is done when not physically engaged in the actual exercise strengthens the neural/muscle connection, which can stimulate, enhance, and help maximize muscle strength, growth, and peak performance.
Form & Speed
“Form” is how you hold your body when doing each workout movement. It is very important to have strict form when working out to isolate the muscle being exercised, so you can “hit” the muscle properly. Strict form isolates the muscle being exercised, and also prevents injuries. The exact execution of each Weight Training exercise is available in several books on the subject at any public library, from most book stores, and online.
“Speed” is how fast you perform the movement of each exercise. There are two parts to speed: The movement where you are moving the weight against the force of gravity, called a “positive rep”, and the movement where you are moving the weight back, returning it to where you started the movement, while purposely resisting the force of gravity, called a “negative rep”.
Positive reps are done slow and very purposeful – “muscling up” the weight.
Negative reps are done about twice as slow as positive reps – “muscling down” the weight.
Never use momentum or a bouncing motion between the positive and negative reps. Maintain complete control of the weight during each exercise movement.
To ensure getting the most out of each movement of each exercise: Always muscle-up the weight, and always muscle-down the weight, using strict form, to properly “hit” the muscle you want stronger and bigger. The only exception: The reps in warm-up sets and cool-down sets. The positive reps and negative reps of warm-up and cool-down sets are always done at the same speed and done quickly (but controlled and using strict form), and are not muscled up or muscled down.
Basic Weight Training Exercises
The execution of each Weight Training exercise is available in several books on the subject at any public library, from most book stores, and online. It is strongly suggested that you study how each exercise movement is done before attempting to do the exercise – so you can do the exercise safely and avoid injury – and only do the exercise within your own personal capacity and limits. Always check with your doctor before engaging in any unaccustomed physical activity.
1. Seated Concentration Curls (for Biceps). Dumbbells
2. Bent-Over Dumbbell Extensions (for Triceps). Dumbbells
3. Standing Curls (for Biceps). Dumbbells
4. Bench Dips (for Triceps). Bench or Low Table
5. Hammer Curls (for Biceps). Dumbbells
6. Chin-Ups (Palms facing in for Biceps). Chinning Bar
7. Seated Wrist Curls (for Forearms). Dumbbells
8. Hand Squeeze (for Forearms and Hands). Spring Grips
1. Side (Lateral) Raises (for Delts). Dumbbells
2. Shoulder Shrugs (for Traps). Dumbbells
3. Shoulder Rotations (for Delts and Traps). Dumbbells
Chest & Back:
1. Bench Press (for Pecs). Bench & Dumbbells
2. Bent-Over Rows (for Lats). Dumbbells
3. Push-Ups (for Pecs, Lats and Triceps).
4. Feet-Elevated Push-Ups (for Upper Pecs, Lats and Triceps).
5. Pull-Ups (Palms facing out for Lats). Chinning Bar
Stomach & Core:
1. Sit-Ups (for Abs and Back).
2. Leg Curls (for Lower Abs and Low Back).
3. Crunches (for Abs).
1. Squats (for Quads). Dumbbell in each hand, held straight down at sides
2. Standing Calf Raises (for Calves). Dumbbell held in each hand at sides
3. Straight-Leg Deadlifts (for Hamstrings, Gluts and Low Back). Dumbbell held in each hand, close to front of legs (DO NOT hold weights out away from the body; to do so risks low back injury)
The exact execution of each Weight Training exercise is available in several books on the subject at any public library, from most book stores, and online. Do not attempt any workout exercise without first learning how to properly do them. Then, select the workout exercises that you feel will best meet your own personal goals.
Interval Training & Runwalking
Interval Training is the switching between different kinds and intensity of exercises. A form of Interval Training is engaging in relatively short and quick bursts of intense exercise, alternating with slower and less intense exercise.
When muscles are regularly exercised a sort of “muscle memory” sets in that limits gains. When Interval Training is incorporated, a sort of “muscle confusion” takes place. The net result is an increase in muscle adaptation when Interval Training is used. Basically, the more different things you do, the more there will be for the body to adapt to. Mix it up for maximum strength gains and to actively increase physical endurance.
A good example of Interval Training is a new type of aerobic exercise called Runwalking, which consists of walking interspersed with periods of jogging within the same session – short bursts of endurance-building exercise (jogging), among active exercise (walking). For increased endurance, gradually increase the number and intensity of the jogging bursts.
For those who are experienced joggers, Runwalking can be done by engaging in walking interspersed with short bursts of sprinting – optimum is 1 minute of walking followed by 1 minute of sprinting repeated for a total of 15-20 minutes. The body actually responds better to variations in intensity, which Runwalking automatically provides.
Variations in exercises and intensity provides “muscle confusion” which gives the body more to adapt to, resulting in greater and quicker gains.
Runwalking provides a good balance to Weight Training.
Walking is the fundamental exercise for health. It is natural and easy to do. We don’t need any special equipment (other than a comfortable pair of shoes), and we have had lots of experience doing it ever since being a toddler.
Regular walking increases systemic circulation, as well as increasing blood flow to the legs. This is especially helpful for those with poor circulation in the legs and feet. It has been found that regular walking stimulates a cascading sequence of beta-adrenergic signaling which induces the PGC-1 alpha molecule, which triggers angiogenesis (i.e., increases in new blood vessel growth) to supply the leg muscles with an increase in blood flow (Reference: “The discovery of the trigger of angiogenesis by beta-adrenergic signaling and the induction of the PGC-1 alpha molecule” by research conducted at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center as reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Dec. 3, 2009). Recent studies have shown the antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) to also be useful for poor circulation in the legs, which is common among those with blood sugar problems (Reference: “An alternative treatment for diabetic neuropathy” Patrick B. Massey, M.D., Ph.D., Daily Herald, May 17, 2010).
Optimum walking that supports health and normal blood flow is 30/100 daily (i.e., 30 minutes duration, at a rate of 100 paces per minute, done daily), with a slower walking warm-up and cool-down of approximately 5-10 minutes each.
Go To The MAX – Potentiated Magnesium plus Zinc (MAX) supports getting the most from your workout, and is the world’s most advanced, powerful and effective nutritional supplement ever developed for the support of maximum exercised muscle strength, endurance, energy, vitality, recovery, power, and peak physical performance.
Go To The MAX for Peak Physical Performance – Naturally!